Snow shovelling for dummies

Hurray! It is snowing. It has been snowing the whole day!! Large snowflakes, small snowflakes, and large ones again. Within a single hour the whole world turned white, within two hours you can only see the ‘pillows’ in the garden, where the shrubs used to stand. It is cosy in the big salon, the bonfire is lit, apéro is on the table, and delicious smells rise from the kitchen…
A novice innkeeper in the Alps might think: fine, that’s allright, just let it snow. But the next morning the amount of snow if so high, that shovelling snow is going to be a difficult job. You get up early and see that there is a meter of snow, grab the shovel and get to work. Oops! After half an hour, it seems that your snow management did not work out. You shovelled the snow to a spot that needs to be cleared later. Pfff. And after another 30 minutes you start to feel your shoulder. The left one. And the right one. And your elbows, both. And your back… and the day hasn’t even started yet! A week later it appears you have a tennis elbow, and a dislocated shoulder. The snow that wasn’t cleared in time became thick and dense. A big layer of snow became ice. Grrrr. And the winter season is only halfway.
No, how about the experienced innkeeper. The first thing they do is listening. Ah… there is the snowplowing machine. Let’s have a chat with the guys. If they could clear the parking for us. Yes, the private parking. Yes, and how about a cup of coffee or something stronger later? Fine, merci! And should it snow for another hour, leaving another 30 cm of snow, you ask your guests: “Guys, take a look! What a beautiful amount of snow! Who likes to help me with some snow shovelling? I have got four shovels here…”

Recept: herfstsalade met ijs

Veel van onze gasten hebben ons gevraagd om de recepten van onze gerechten. De meeste zijn natuurlijk geheim! Deze geven we met veel plezier prijs: een herfstsalade met ijs, helemaal trendy.
Het recept voor 4 personen:

2 rode grapefruits
4 stronkjes roodlof
100 gram fetakaas
20 gram pijnboompitten, geroosterd
4 kleine bolletjes grapefruitijs
1 bakje tuinkers
1 eetlepel granaatappelpitjes
Peper uit de molen
1 eetlepel citroensap
60 ml ahornsiroop of honing
2 – 3 eetlepels olijfolie

Maak eerst de dressing. Snij met scherp mesje de partjes van de grapefruits tussen de vliesjes uit. Knijp daarna al het sap uit de grapefruits tot je 100 ml hebt. Doe in een pannetje met citroensap, ahornsiroop of honing en mespuntje zout. Kook op laag vuur in tot siroop en laat afkoelen. Klop 2 eetlepels olijfolie erdoor. Breng op smaak met zout en peper.
Haal de roodlof blaadjes los, schep om met dressing, hou wat dressing over. Verdeel in stervorm over 4 borden. Leg grapefruitpartjes erbij. Brokkel fetakaas erover en bestrooi met pijnboom en granaatappelpitjes. Bestrooi met tuinkers en sprenkel rest van de dressing erover en een beetje versgemalen peper. Leg in het midden een klein bolletje grapefruitijs en serveer direct.
 *) met dank aan Claudia